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 joystickAx()               read joystick input Ax
 joystickAy()               read joystick input Ay
 joystickBx()               read joystick input Bx
 joystickBy()               read joystick input By
 joysticksettings()         read joystick switch settings
 Jul...()                   family of Julian date conversion functions
 keyclick()                 turn on key click
 leftstr()                  return the left portion of a string
 litebar_alloc()            allocate memory for a litebar menu
 litebar_free()             frees memory allocated by a litebar menu
 litebar_get()              get user's choice from a litebar menu
 litehilite()               hilite a litebar menu command
 litemessage()              change the message for a litebar menu
 liteunlite()               unhilite a litebar menu command
 longtodostime()            convert 1/100 seconds to DOS time
 lpow()                     raise a base to an exponent
 lsgn()                     sign of a long integer
 ltrim()                    trims leading blanks
 machine_id()               determine machine type
 MButtonPress()             mouse button press data
 MButtonRelease()           mouse button release data
 MButtonStatus()            mouse position and button status
 MCursorGraphic()           define graphic cursor
 MCursorOff()               turns off (hide) the mouse cursor
 MCursorOn()                turns on (show) the mouse cursor
 MCursorRangex()            define horizontal cursor range
 MCursorRangey()            define vertical cursor range
 MCursorText()              define text cursor
 MDriverSize()              get driver storage requirements
 memory_strategy()          get/set memory alloc strategy
 MEmulateLightpenOff()      mouse light pen emulation off
 MEmulateLightpenOn()       mouse light pen emulation on
 menu_litebar()             litebar style menu
 menu_popup()               popup style menu
 MGetDisplayPage()          get mouse display page number
 MGetDriver()               save mouse driver state
 MGetSensitivity()          get mouse sensitivity
 MGetVerType()              get software version and mouse type
 MGotoxy()                  position mouse cursor
 mid()                      is a number within a range
 midstr()                   return the middle portion of a string
 MMickeysMovedx()           number of mickeys mouse moved horizontally
 MMickeysMovedy()           number of mickeys mouse moved vertically
 monthexpand()              convert a month abbrev to its name
 MouseReset()               reset mouse software only
 MPutDriver()               restore mouse driver state
 MSetDisplayPage()          set mouse display page number
 MSetRatio()                set mickey to pixel ratio
 MSetSensitivity()          set mouse sensitivity
 MSetThreshold()            set double speed threshold
 MUpdateScreen()            define screen region for updating
 ndp_id()                   identify the math coprocessor
 nmid()                     is a number outside a range
 NumLock()                  set the Num Lock key state
 parsefilename()            parses a filename, supports paths
 parsefnameext()            parses a filename into name and
 pause()                    wait for a time or until a keypress
 PMT()                      calculate the periodic payment required to
 popup_alloc()              allocate memory for a popup menu
 popup_free()               frees memory allocated by popup menu
 popup_get()                get user's choice from a popup menu
 popup_restore()            restore video from a popup menu
 popup_setcurrent()         set internal popup menu information
 pophilite()                hilite a popup menu command
 popunlite()                unhilite a popup menu command
 print_screen()             issue a PrintScreen
 PRINTadd()                 add a file to the print queue
 PRINThold()                hold print queue for status read
 PRINTpurge()               remove all files from print queue
 PRINTremove()              remove a file from print queue
 PRINTresume()              resume printing after a PRINThold
 putk()                     put a character w/attribute on the screen
 putsay()                   put a string with attribute on the screen
 putstr()                   put string with attribute on the screen
 PV()                       calculate the Present Value of a single amount
 PVa()                      calculate the Present Value of an annuity
 radd()                     add two REAL numbers
 rceil()                    rounds up
 rdiv()                     divide using REAL math
 read_attrib()              gets the attribute under the cursor
 read_char()                gets the character under the cursor
 read_cursor()              reads cursor information
 read_mode()                find screen width, mode and page
 reboot()                   reboots the machine
 ResetPointDevice()         PDBI: Reset Interface
 resolvepath()              resolve a path to a fully qualified path
 rfloor()                   rounds down
 rightstr()                 return the right portion of a string
 rnegate()                  change sign
 rnormalize()               fix precision
 ROM_date()                 gets the ROM id date
 ROM_id()                   gets the ROM id byte
 round()                    round a real to a decimal place
 rsign()                    determine the sign of a REAL number
 rsub()                     subtract two REAL numbers
 rtrim()                    trims trailing blanks
 scrbuff()                  calculate size of screen buffer
 scroll_down()              scroll window down
 scroll_up()                scroll window up
 ScrollLock()               set the Scroll Lock key state
 set_color()                set the default attribute (color)
 set_cursor()               sets cursor scan lines
 set_handles()              set handle count
 set_mode()                 set the video mode
 setAutoPark()              set parking delay for AUTOPARK.COM
 setBREAK()                 set Ctrl-BREAK flag
 setcdevicemoderaw()        set character device mode
 setcursor()                sets cursor scan lines
 SetpcAnywhere()            enable/disable pcAnywhere
 SetPointDevice()           PDBI: Enable/Disable Pointing Device
 SetRatePointDevice()       PDBI: Set Sampling Rate
 SetResPointDevice()        PDBI: Set Resolution
 settextinfo()              set text mode video information
 setVERIFY()                set VERIFY flag
 setWhoa()                  set delay count for WHOA!.COM by Brad Crandall
 shadow()                   draw a shadowed box
 shorttoddate()             convert a short date to struct
 soundex()                  convert a string to soundex form
 sqr()                      square of a value
 stateindex()               get index for a given state
 stddev()                   calculate the standard deviation of a set of reals
 straight_line_dep()        calculate straight line depreciation
 strcapital()               capitalizes the first letter of each word in a string
 strclean()                 remove non-printable ASCII codes
 strcomma()                 convert a string to xx,xxx,xxx format
 strdel()                   delete part of a string
 strfill()                  fill a string with a character
 strins()                   insert one string into another
 stroccur()                 count the occurences of a substring within a string
 strpadleft()               pad the left of a string
 strpadright()              pad the right of a string
 strrep()                   replicate a char
 strshleft()                shift string left
 strshright()               shift string right
 strspace2tab()             compress spaces to tabs
 strtabexpand()             expand tabs to spaces
 strtocomma()               convert a string to xx,xxx format
 strtoddate()               convert a date string to a structure
 strtodol()                 converts a string to dollar format
 strtotime()                convert a string to a time structure
 strwcmp()                  compares a wild-carded string to another string
 strwicmp()                 compares wild-carded string to string, case insensitive
 sum_year_digits_dep()      calculate sum of the years digits depreciation
 summation()                calculate a summation of integers
 swap()                     swap two values
 time_convert()             convert time formats
 timetostr()                convert time structure to a string
 to24hour()                 converts hours to 24-hour format
 tocapkey()                 convert the key code to uppercase
 todosdate()                make a DOS file date stamp
 todostime()                make a DOS file time stamp
 tohour()                   converts 24-hour format to 12-hour
 Tone()                     play a tone
 uninstallWhoa()            uninstall WHOA!.COM by Brad Crandall
 valid_date()               check if a date is valid
 variance()                 calculate the variance of a set of reals
 vert_line()                draw a vertical line
 whereh()                   X-coordinate of cursor
 wherev()                   Y-coordinate of cursor

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson